Rebirthing Breathwork.
What is breathwork and how can it help?
Breathwork is a scientifically proven way of regulating your nervous system (1) Stephen Porges says it is the quickest way to regulate your nervous system. The amazing thing is, we have this all day every day - this opening to be able to regulate our emotional being.
Once we are able to do that, we can start taking real control of our lives.
There are many different types of breathwork and I will show you various ways to connect with your breath so it works for you.
In sessions, we will be using conscious connected breathwork. I have trained from 2 different schools in this approach and worked with many clients who find this a gentle and healing resource.
Conscious connected breathwork, sometimes known as circular breathing is to breathe through a period of time without a gap between the in or out breath. we simply keep the breath gently going.
As we gently breathe into our bodies, our nervous system will be looking for homeostatsis. Any lingering stuff from the past can be integrated successfully so that we are not being triggered and worn out from daily interactions.
Many of us carry wounds from the past. we may or may not be aware of these. we may have buried it/tried to out run, tried to kill the pain from mood altering chemicals or we may have taken on others words and actions, blaming ourselves and living in a stew of shame.
Through making friends with and finding safety in our breath as our anchor, we can begin to release old patterns:
"Breathwork released me from the
straitjacket of shame I'd locked myself into" (T.J.N)